The Lord’s Table: Worth Remembering
The First Last Supper
This is a series on the meaning of the ‘Lord’s Table,’ often called the Eucharist, Sacrament of Communion, Covenant Meal or Lord’s Supper. The meaning is found not in the ritual but in the remembering!

  1. Biblical Remembrance
    "...Do this in remembrance of Me" 1 Cor 11:24
    The power of disciplined and intentional remembering.
  2. Are You Worthy?
    Communion provides a way for us to examine our
    lives in light of the cross! From 1 Cor 11:27-32
  3. The Bread of Healing
    What does the broken body and broken bread really mean. Is healing possible from partaking of the bread of communion?
    • Handout PDF   (There is no audio for this message)
  4. Power in the Blood 
    The power and nature of sacrificial giving--from the Garden to the Cross.
  5. Last Supper Exit Poll
    Imagine conducting an exit poll after the Last Supper? Or how about after a communion service? Having a "share" and giving a "share" is what communion is all about!
    • MP3 Audio 21 min.   Handout PDF
  6. Last Supper Last Song
    From Psalm 118 and Matt 26:30. Psalm 118 was likely the last psalm-song that Jesus sang. It is one of the most important psalms in the Bible.
  7. One Body -- One Bread  How the Lord's Table is in part a celebration of each other. We are ONE in the Lord.
    • Handout PDF  There is NO audio for this message.
  8. Love to the End  What the feet washing from John 13 teaches us about the 'spirit' of the Lord's Table.
  9. Marriage Supper of the Lamb
    The Lord's Supper anticipates a greater sacred meal, the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Are you ready for that day? What will you wear to the feast?
  10. Living in Communion
    Since everyone is a unique, one-of-a-kind-creation--how is it possible for us to live in communion (oneness of fellowship)?
  11. Communion and the Cross
    At the heart of Lord's Supper is the cross. Jesus is on the 'atonement' cross--the picture of His finished work. What do you see when you think of the cross and what He did for you?
    MP3 Audio   PDF Handout

  12. Can You Drink the Cup of The Lord?
    To share the mission is to share its cost. James and John wanted to share the mission but were they ready to pay the cost? Are you?
    Audio MP3   Handout PDF

  13. Thirsty for God
    As the dear pants for water, so do we thirst for God--the Lord's table and Psalm 42 show a way to quench the thirst.
    Audio MP3   Handout PDF

  14. Communion Expectation
    Do you come to the Lord's Table with expectation? After Jesus shared the Passover with His disciples He told them to be 'expectant' in waiting, in joy and in intercession. From John 16:16-24.
    Audio MP3  Handout PDF

  15. Holiness and The Lord's Table
    Living holy, being holy, and practicing holiness in light of the Lord's Table.
    Audio MP3 Handout PDF

  16. Faith and the Lord's Table
    By faith Moses kept the Passover, will you 'by faith' keep the Lord's Table?
    Audio MP3   Handout PDF

    Here Am I Lord: Send Me (Vision Blog)