Mary Ann Shine
January 2, 1937 -- March 6, 2008

Memorial Service Recording MP3 35 min

Tony Crispino

Mary Ann's son
Tony Crispino shares some special moments and memories of his mother. He also sings a song in memory
of his mother.
MP3 7 min
I only knew Mary Ann for a few short months. It was as if God brought her to our church to bless us and to be blessed in preparation for seeing Him face to face. She was a living example of what the Apostle Paul said in Romans 8:37-39, “Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” Her testimony and memory will remain with us as an encouragement to press on, never give up, and always love the people around you.
                                        Pastor Mike Bayer

by Lori (Mary Ann's Daughter)

She was born MaryAnn Phebus in Harvey Illinois on January 2nd, 1937. Her parents, Bill and Margie, had three daughters, Sharon, MaryAnn and Claudette. She used to tell us stories of her growing up years, her summers spent with her Grandma Flory on the river in LaRab, Illinois. She loved those years. She married my father, Joe Crispino and had three children of her own, me, Reid and Tony. During those years we were to move to several states as my father’s work took him all over. My mom was resilient in those years as no sooner she would get us all settled in it was time to move and get settled again. We finally settled in southern California in 1970. When my parents divorced she met and married as she puts it, “the love of my life”, Daniel T. Shine. They were together for over 20 years until Danny became ill with cancer and passed on 10 years ago. I know they are together again. Recently my aunt told me a story of how they were at San Clemente pier. Danny had proposed to her and when she said “yes” he ran down the pier and back to her arms. She laughed and told my aunt all she could think of was, “Eat your heart out, Tom Cruise”!!

She had 6 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren: Chris, who is in boot camp to become a police officer and also a wonderful father to Taylor Ann. Jennifer, who is probably the smartest of the bunch, but don’t tell anyone. Grandma loved attending your fairy tale wedding last June. Julie, who turned out to be quite the little mother of three: Haley, Ethan and most recently Nolan. Jeffrey, she watched you grow to become quite an adorable young man. David, she loved your sensitivity. She always said you got your height from Grandpa Danny. Jimmy, you are the one who definitely inherited her “rebel” spirit. She was a “fun” grandma who loved to play cards and dice, watch scary movies and go to country concerts with her grandson. She loved all of these kids so very much and I know she would want me to tell you……” you better behave yourselves because I am watching”!!

Reid, she loved you and your wife, Kathy, who also fought and won her own cancer battle this past year. She admired your work ethics and was so very proud of your work as a reserve fire fighter most recently on the California wild fires. Tony, she loved your music and she admired you in your own fight with cancer. I know she is watching over you. We pray you stay in remission. Ruthie, you have always been a special daughter in law to her. Cecilia she always loved you like a daughter, too. My husband, Bob, she called you her “protector” and that you were. You never were just a son in law; you were a son to her.

My mother loved all of her friends. She would do anything for you. She would want you to remember all of the “fun” things you did together. Kathy, you were like a sister to her. Pam, she admired all the work you have done and continue to do with Resident’s Voice. My brother’s and I saw a different side of my mom whenever she talked about the voice! I kidded her all of the time by saying “My mother the activist”! Pam also introduced her to the Laguna Woods Village church. Pastor Mike and Judy, you have been an inspiring couple, not only to my mom, but also my entire family!!

Who was she? She was MaryAnn, mom, the slipper lady, she was grandma and she was “the rock”, as she was affectionately called. I will miss you mom. She gave me a magnate for my refrigerator that says, “Always my daughter, now too, my friend. We shared a lot, especially in the last two months. They say God works in mysterious ways…..well I was laid off from work and my last day was December 31st…..we were in the hospital on January 1st and I am so glad I could be there for you. I promise to carry on where you left off as I know you will be guiding me. I know you are in heaven and you sit with Jesus on one side and Danny on your other side.

God Bless You!!!

Sandra Aiello [Added July 19, 2008]
    I was her first niece, born in 1959. For as long as I remember I looked up to her. She was so much fun to be around. When I was 15 my brother and I spent the summer living with her, and what fun we had. It will always be treasured in my mind.
    We had lost touch for quite a few years, until last November when my family took a long overdue trip back to California (I was born and raised in Illinois, and remain here yet today). From the moment I saw her, it was as if nothing had changed. She looked hardly unchanged from the years before, and still had the same sense of humor, love for her family, and love for me as well.
    It was less than two months later she became ill, and diagnosed with cancer. I am grateful she had her family around her (especially the support from Lori). I thank God for the long overdue reunion we had together. I was especially grateful to learn of her family of brothers and sisters in Christ, and how much they all meant to her.
    God bless her and all of you as well...

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