Perfecting Discipleship
John 13-15
 The last thing Jesus told his disciples was, “Go therefore and make disciples…” To make disciples I must first be one. In a private meeting with His disciples—Jesus teaches them the way of the disciple.

October-November 2008

  1. Discipleship and the Cross John 13:1
    Jesus loved His disciples-He loved them to the end.
    • MP3 28 min.   Oct. 5, 2008 Handout PDF
  2. Discipleship and Service John 13:2-17
    Do you know what Jesus has done for you? If you do and follow His
    example you WILL BE blessed.
  3. Betrayal, Denial and Recovery John 13:18-30; 36-38
    Judas and Peter illustrate that it can matter where you sit at the table.
  4. Discipleship and Love John 13:31-35; 14:1-6
    Do this one thing and the world will know we are followers of Christ!
  5. Discipleship and God the Father John 14:5-11
    Why is knowing the Father critical for discipleship?
  6. Discipleship and Anointed Work John 14:12-14
    Doing the work like Jesus did: Within the anointing!
  7. The Disciple’s Helper John 14:15-26
    The work of discipleship must be energized by the Spirit of God.
  8. Discipleship and Peace John 14:25-31
    The Father gives the Spirit but Jesus leaves us His peace. Why is it NOT possible
    for the world to produce this kind of peace?
    MP3 32 min.  Handout PDF
  9. Discipleship and Fruitfulness John 15:1-8; 16
    Discipleship is NOT about me, my gifts or achievements.
    It IS about what Jesus produces through me: Remaining fruit.
  10. Discipleship and Joy John 14:27; 15:9-17
    How to abide in the joy that only Jesus can give.
  11. Discipleship and the World John 15:18-25
    God loved the world but tells us NOT to love it and that the world will hate us.
    So what are we to do?