Perfecting Faith
A Study in the Book of James
[April-June 2008]

  1. Faith Under Trial  [Message 1]
    When you go through a trial do you know what to ask God for?
  2. Faith and Temptation [Message 2]
    Learn how to keep the faith when tempted.
  3. Keeping the Faith AFTER the Trials and Temptations [Message 3]
    After enduring trials and temptations we are often susceptible to wandering from God's path.
  4. "Faith, Love and Mercy" [Message 4]
    Authentic faith is blind to the differences and prejudices that divide, hurt and damage so many people. James teaches us how faith, love and mercy overcome favoritism and prejudice.
  5. Faith and Works: Are You Dead or Alive? [Message 5]
    Is your faith dead or alive?
  6. Faith And My Tongue: Death And Life Are in the Tongue [Message 6]
    Just as a doctor examines a patient's tongue to assist in a diagnosis, so God tests a person's spiritual health by his or her tongue.
    • MP3 36 min April 25, 2008  Handout PDF

  7. Faith and Wisdom [Message 7]
    Real wisdom is not merely something which is intellectually understandable; by faith it must be demonstrated in the life of the believer.
  8. Faith and the Tongue of the Aged [Message 8]
    The aged psalmist gives the 'long view' of life: The tongue of the Aged.
  9. Faith Humility and Restoration [Message 9]
    God's conflict resolution: Greater grace!
  10. Faith and Future Plans [Message 10]
    How do you plan for the future when you do not know God's will?
       MP3 39 min   Handout PDF

  11. Faith: Possessions and Patience [Message 11]
    The clash of two world systems--which one do you serve? Are you the 'object' of God's blessing or the 'vehicle' of His blessing?
  12. Faith: Yes or No [Message 12]
    The book of James closes with three exhortations to faithfulness: In what we say, what we pray and how we love those who have fallen away.