Are You Too Old To Be Healed?

"If you ain’t dead you ain’t done!" Sam Parsons

My wife and I have been ministering to seniors for the past 17 years! At first I thought He had put us in an exit ministry—a ministry to help people prepare for heaven. When someone in their 70’s, 80’s or 90’s got sick it was not long before doctors, family, friends and even our church family started saying things like, “You know she lived such a full life.

So who says she or he has lived a full life? Only God knows when you or I have lived a full life. And as my friend Sam Parsons says, “If you ain’t dead you ain’t done.”

Over the years we have seen God raise up seniors from the ICU and Hospice where just about everyone including the patient thought it was time to go home to Jesus. Don’t get me wrong—when it’s time—I want to go and I don’t want to hold anyone back from going.

On the other hand—I don’t want to usher anyone along ‘before his or her time’ just because everyone else has given up on them and stopped praying for healing.

I am the Lord that Healeth Thee!
Exodus 15:26

From a Wilderness to an Oasis Exodus 15:22-27
This is the account of the journey from the Red Sea to Mount Sinai. Each step is filled with spiritual lessons for believers of every age.

A. First Stop—Marah: Marah means bitter and reminds us of the bitter experiences of life. However, God will not fail to give us His strength and direction through the bitter times.

1. Bitterness made Sweet: The tree suggests the cross of Calvary, which transforms the bitter things of life into sweetness.

2. Healing and Deliverance: the Lord reveals Himself as "the LORD who heals you" Yahweh Rapha. He promised to deliver Israel from the diseases that afflicted the Egyptians. This was both in body and soul; in body, by preserving from diseases, and by curing them when afflicted; and in soul, by pardoning their iniquities, and providing inner (emotional) healing.
(Psalm 103:1-5; 1 Thes 5:23)

B. Second Stop—Elim: With its twelve wells of water and seventy palm trees, it suggests the rest and refreshment which are ours after we have been to the cross and refreshed by the rivers of living water from the heart—the Holy Spirit! (John 7:37-39)

And the Rapha never stops…

Bless the LORD, O my soul, And forget not all His benefits:
Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases!
Psalm 103:2-3

But He was wounded for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities;
The chastisement for our peace was upon Him,
And by His stripes we are healed (Rapha).
Isa 53:5 !

© Village Alive Ministries

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