The Power Driven Church

This series of 11 messages focuses on the 'power' that drives evangelism and church growth. The series also includes an outline and teaching on the "Seven Churches of Revelation," and "Hearing God."

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© Village Alive Ministries
Permissions: You are permitted and encouraged to reproduce and distribute this material in any format provided that you cite “Pastor Mike Bayer” as the source and do not charge a fee beyond the cost of reproduction. For web posting, a link to this document on our website is preferred.

  1. The Lord of the Harvest Matt 9:35-38  Power and compassion for the harvest.
  2. On This Rock Matt 16:13-19  Building and resting on the Rock of our salvation.
  3. The Power Of Gods Mercy Jonah; Matt 20:1-16  Getting or not getting what we deserve.
  4. The Church at Ephesus Rev 2:1-7  Why these seven churches? Loyalty check!
  5. Afflicted but Affluent Rev 2:8-11  How to be an overcomer in Yeshua!
  6. The Hidden Manna Rev 2:12-17; Ex 16:31  Will the compromising church eat this book?
  7. Ears to Hear With Rev 3:6  How do you hear from God?
  8. Committed but Compromising Rev 2:18-29  How to 'hold fast' and 'walk worthy.'
  9. Dynamic but Dying Rev 3:1-6  God's name can bring new life to a dead church.
  10. Love and Faithfulness Rev 3:7-13  God's faithfulness to the overcomer!
  11. Prosperous But Poor Rev 3:14-22  Don't be deceived by prosperity! The character of the Lord revealed to His Church.